How to handle "Red Hat Cloud Access" phone calls or cases?
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- How to handle "Red Hat Cloud Access" phone calls or cases?
- Customer logs in to below site and enrolls for subscription change to use RHEL in cloud provider.
Example: If the user has registered the subscription for use at AWS
Customer submits his enrollment for subscription change to use RHEL and receivesd e-mail from like below.
Title: [Red Hat Customer Service] Re: Your Red Hat subscription has been activated on Amazon Web Services
Thank you for choosing Red Hat!
Your Red Hat subscription(s) are immediately accessible in your AWS account.
You can now use your Red Hat subscriptions in accordance with the Cloud Access Guidelines outlined at
Log in with your AWS account to get started using your Red Hat product(s) on AWS EC2.
All Terms and Conditions of your current Red Hat support agreement support remain in effect so please contact Red Hat support
( if you have any issues related to Red Hat Enterprise Linux running in Amazon EC2.
Cloud Access grants you access to a private image on EC2. To find your image, please follow the procedure below.
Log on to your AWS Account
Go to the EC2 Console
On the left hand navigation, select "AMIs" under the heading, "Images"
Filter your search by selecting "Owned by Me" on the top pane, and then select "Private Images".
You should see all private images that are in your account. Red Hat images are easily identifiable by the "AMI Name" and "Platform"
Visit the Red Hat Customer Portal ( for more resources on planning, deploying, and maintaining your Red Hat Enterprise software.
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