Error: Failed to launch instance "rhel7-151102": Please try again later [Error: Unavailable console type rdp-html5.].
- Red Hat OpenStack 6.0
- Depoyed OpenStack with Provider network with OpenvSwitch configuration ( see Scenario: Provider networks with Open vSwitch ).
- Intended to have 1 external (provider) network with no VLAN , and another external network with VLAN for tenant.
- After creating those 2 external neutron network and run instance with non-admin tenant on them, failed with
Error: Failed to launch instance "rhel7-151102": Please try again later [Error: Unavailable console type rdp-html5.]
- This caused by creating neutron network without
( and--shared
) option. -–router:external=True
is required for neutron to create external network with Floating IP address pool.- If this properly is set to
, Instances launched by non-Admin tenants will not be able to attach external network with Floating IP address.
Here's example.
Creating external network
- Create neutron network as external network ( --router:external=True )
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# ip netns
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron net-list
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# keystone tenant-list
| id | name | enabled |
| 2d4c3f0e3bc3496987e9440de7f6d799 | admin | True |
| 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df | project1 | True |
| 8dc587f29de344a9ab9eb23cbb0cb8d5 | services | True |
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron net-create ext_net --router:external=True --tenant-id 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df --shared --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network physnet1
Created a new network:
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| id | 4f41b008-8f4c-41bb-b02f-dde337ea1c33 |
| name | ext_net |
| provider:network_type | flat |
| provider:physical_network | physnet1 |
| provider:segmentation_id | |
| router:external | True |
| shared | True |
| status | ACTIVE |
| subnets | |
| tenant_id | 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df |
- Add subnet
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron subnet-create ext_net --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway --enable-dhcp --name ext_subnet1 --tenant-id 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df
Created a new subnet:
| Field | Value |
| allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
| cidr | |
| dns_nameservers | |
| enable_dhcp | True |
| gateway_ip | |
| host_routes | |
| id | d9e4ba34-f024-4be5-a6fc-b8c1de054163 |
| ip_version | 4 |
| ipv6_address_mode | |
| ipv6_ra_mode | |
| name | ext_subnet1 |
| network_id | 4f41b008-8f4c-41bb-b02f-dde337ea1c33 |
| tenant_id | 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df |
- Check if there is external network
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron net-external-list
| id | name | subnets |
| 4f41b008-8f4c-41bb-b02f-dde337ea1c33 | ext_net | d9e4ba34-f024-4be5-a6fc-b8c1de054163 |
Update existing neutron network as external network
- Create Non-external Network
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron net-list
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron net-create ext_net --tenant-id 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network physnet1l
Created a new network:
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| id | 8a50be86-3631-47f8-9f76-260a2f1e07c3 |
| name | ext_net |
| provider:network_type | flat |
| provider:physical_network | physnet1l |
| provider:segmentation_id | |
| router:external | False |
| shared | False |
| status | ACTIVE |
| subnets | |
| tenant_id | 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df |
- Add subnet
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron subnet-create ext_net --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway --enable-dhcp --name ext_subnet1 --tenant-id 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df
Created a new subnet:
| Field | Value |
| allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
| cidr | |
| dns_nameservers | |
| enable_dhcp | True |
| gateway_ip | |
| host_routes | |
| id | 6db5876c-6dae-4049-9f79-f94fc4b43676 |
| ip_version | 4 |
| ipv6_address_mode | |
| ipv6_ra_mode | |
| name | ext_subnet1 |
| network_id | 8a50be86-3631-47f8-9f76-260a2f1e07c3 |
| tenant_id | 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df |
- Update network with
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron net-update ext_net --shared --router:external
Updated network: ext_net
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron net-show ext_net
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| id | 8a50be86-3631-47f8-9f76-260a2f1e07c3 |
| name | ext_net |
| provider:network_type | flat |
| provider:physical_network | physnet1l |
| provider:segmentation_id | |
| router:external | True |
| shared | True |
| status | ACTIVE |
| subnets | 6db5876c-6dae-4049-9f79-f94fc4b43676 |
| tenant_id | 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df |
- Check if set to external network
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron net-external-list
| id | name | subnets |
| 8a50be86-3631-47f8-9f76-260a2f1e07c3 | ext_net | 6db5876c-6dae-4049-9f79-f94fc4b43676 |
Root Cause
- Created those 2 neutron networks without
( and--shared
) option. - Without them , neutron doesn't treat them as external network , and instance launched by non-admin tenants can not bind to those network.
Here's example;
1) Create external network with admin tenant and no --shared
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_project1-user)]# . ~/keystonerc_admin ; keystone tenant-list
| id | name | enabled |
| 05c275ecf6a64db6810a3d0c1fc18e89 | admin | True | <==== Admin
| 3c833f0deb1540ceb60e94f18eb60f3f | project1 | True |
| cb6e3ceb53e64274bbe52f58d999f8e3 | services | True |
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_project1-user)]# neutron net-show ext_net
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| id | 7d08caf9-cb9a-41b0-8fb7-438c10f78f28 |
| mtu | 0 |
| name | ext_net |
| router:external | True |
| shared | False | <==== Not shared.
| status | ACTIVE |
| subnets | 810c4a15-cef2-4c33-9002-1adeed31f5e5 |
| tenant_id | 05c275ecf6a64db6810a3d0c1fc18e89 | <==== Admin
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_project1-user)]# neutron net-list --shared
- From admin user in other project (project1)
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_admin)]# . ~/keystonerc_admin;keystone user-role-list --user project1-admin --tenant project1
| id | name | user_id | tenant_id |
| f440ff150a564b1b8212ee6c94123a26 | admin | 0760bb700a6146ef8138c691782d2193 | 3c833f0deb1540ceb60e94f18eb60f3f |
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_admin)]# . ~/keystonerc_project1-admin ; neutron net-list
| id | name | subnets |
| 7d08caf9-cb9a-41b0-8fb7-438c10f78f28 | ext_net | 810c4a15-cef2-4c33-9002-1adeed31f5e5 | <=====
| 6ca18635-66e2-4ca4-a2f6-6c2382dc994d | net1 | c315e8e6-9e0b-43b7-a43d-b23fd6570853 |
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_admin)]# . ~/keystonerc_admin;keystone user-role-list --user project1-user --tenant project1
| id | name | user_id | tenant_id |
| 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab | _member_ | 18c63d36e035435e8926e8b529df5dea | 3c833f0deb1540ceb60e94f18eb60f3f |
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_project1-admin)]# . ~/keystonerc_project1-user ; neutron net-list
| id | name | subnets |
| 7d08caf9-cb9a-41b0-8fb7-438c10f78f28 | ext_net | 810c4a15-cef2-4c33-9002-1adeed31f5e5 | <======
| 6ca18635-66e2-4ca4-a2f6-6c2382dc994d | net1 | c315e8e6-9e0b-43b7-a43d-b23fd6570853 |
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_project1-user)]# . ~/keystonerc_project1-user ; neutron net-list
2) After setting it to '--shared'
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron net-update ext_net --shared
Updated network: ext_net
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_admin)]# . ~/keystonerc_project1-user ; neutron net-list
| id | name | subnets |
| 7d08caf9-cb9a-41b0-8fb7-438c10f78f28 | ext_net | 810c4a15-cef2-4c33-9002-1adeed31f5e5 | <=====
| 6ca18635-66e2-4ca4-a2f6-6c2382dc994d | net1 | c315e8e6-9e0b-43b7-a43d-b23fd6570853 |
3) When creating router by admin tenant,
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_project1-admin)]# neutron router-show e689e737-06dd-4d0b-9cdc-ab9d8feca37e
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| distributed | False |
| external_gateway_info | {"network_id": "34ab9dc8-ee4d-4b6c-8a72-c7d3d4da094a", "enable_snat": true, "external_fixed_ips": [{"subnet_id": "7b816966-9ff7-4793-bb1c-a393c6e696c8", "ip_address": ""}]} |
| ha | False |
| id | e689e737-06dd-4d0b-9cdc-ab9d8feca37e |
| name | router1 |
| routes | |
| status | ACTIVE |
| tenant_id | 05c275ecf6a64db6810a3d0c1fc18e89 |
- From admin user in other project (project1)
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_project1-user)]# . ~/keystonerc_project1-admin ; neutron router-list
| id | name | external_gateway_info | distributed | ha |
| e689e737-06dd-4d0b-9cdc-ab9d8feca37e | router1 | {"network_id": "34ab9dc8-ee4d-4b6c-8a72-c7d3d4da094a", "enable_snat": true, "external_fixed_ips": [{"subnet_id": "7b816966-9ff7-4793-bb1c-a393c6e696c8", "ip_address": ""}]} | False | False |
- From member user in other project (project1)
[root@el72-osp7-all-br1 ~(keystone_project1-user)]# . ~/keystonerc_project1-user ; neutron router-list
will make it available for member user for other project to use it.
We can also explain this behavior from aspect of policy as follows:
- /etc/neutron/policy.json
"get_network": "rule:admin_or_owner or rule:shared or rule:external or rule:context_is_advsvc",
"get_network:router:external": "rule:regular_user",
rule:admin_or_owner meant '"admin_or_owner": "rule:context_is_admin or tenant_id:%(tenant_id)s",'
When tenant_id is mine or rule:context_is_admin.
"context_is_admin": "role:admin",
and rule:share is
"shared": "field:networks:shared=True",
and also rule:external is
"external": "field:networks:router:external=True",
So we can see external network itself regardless of --shared
Diagnostic Steps
Create Non-external network
- Create neutron network as non-external network ( Without --router:external=True )
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# ip netns
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron net-list
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron net-create ext_net --tenant-id 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network physnet1l
Created a new network:
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| id | 12cf0d9d-427b-435d-977e-9d6cf12fe754 |
| name | ext_net |
| provider:network_type | flat |
| provider:physical_network | physnet1l |
| provider:segmentation_id | |
| router:external | False |
| shared | False |
| status | ACTIVE |
| subnets | |
| tenant_id | 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df |
- Add subnet
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron subnet-create ext_net --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway --enable-dhcp --name ext_subnet1 --tenant-id 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df
Created a new subnet:
| Field | Value |
| allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
| cidr | |
| dns_nameservers | |
| enable_dhcp | True |
| gateway_ip | |
| host_routes | |
| id | 5a3d8618-236a-4622-a1d5-7abe71d73e0a |
| ip_version | 4 |
| ipv6_address_mode | |
| ipv6_ra_mode | |
| name | ext_subnet1 |
| network_id | 12cf0d9d-427b-435d-977e-9d6cf12fe754 |
| tenant_id | 7793dcc0dc054f6693eb6f4173fe04df |
- Check if external network exists
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]# neutron net-external-list
[root@osp6 ~(keystone_admin)]#
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