How to install Common Desktop Environment (CDE) fonts on Red Hat Enterprise Linux?
- Third party application fails to start with below errors
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Cannot convert string "-dt-interface system-medium-r-normal-s*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" to type FontSet
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Cannot convert string "-dt-interface user-medium-r-normal-s*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" to type FontSet
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Cannot convert string "-dt-interface user-bold-r-normal-m sans-14-140-72-72-m-90-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
Warning: Cannot convert string "-dt-interface system-medium-r-normal-l sans-18-180-72-72-p-106-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
- This is because application needs CDE fonts
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