PXE boot nodes on an overcloud deploy end up at a dracut prompt.

Solution Verified - Updated -


Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform (RHEL-OSP) 7.0


When trying to deploy a new overcloud deployment over an existing installation, discovery images end up at a dracut prompt and never deploy properly.


Delete nodes on undercloud in Ironic using:

#ironic node-delete <uuid of node>

Manually remove discovered.sqlite:

#rm /var/lib/ironic-discoverd/discoverd.sqlite

Restart openstack-ironic-discoverd to repopulate the initial database:

#systemctl restart openstack-ironic-discoverd

After completing the steps above run through registering the nodes, running introspection against the nodes and attempt another deployment of the overcloud. If you need further assistance on these steps please see the following guide: Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 7.0 Director Installation and Usage

Root Cause

Client was trying to deploy but had misconfiguration of network initially after a successful deployment. Client made network configuration changes and then tried a redeploy which ended up in the resulting dracut prompt on a PXE boot.

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