Can HuaWei FusionStorage plugin be used with LSI 2208 RAID controler, LSI 1078 RAID controller and LSI 3108 RAID controller on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Openstack Platform 6.0?

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform version 6 [Juno].
  • RHEL 7.0
  • HuaWei FusionStorage Plugin (non-Red Hat supplied/third-party)


Can HuaWei FusionStorage plugin be used with LSI RAID controller on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Openstack Platform 6.0?


  • HuaWei FusionStorage plugin

  • HuaWei FusionStorage plugin requires following two rpm packages on Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform version 6.0 when work with LSI 2208 RAID controller, LSI 1078 RAID controller and LSI 3108 RAID controller:
    1. MegaCli-8.07.10-1.noarch (non-Red Hat supplied/third-party)
    2. storcli-1.13.06-1.noarch (non-Red Hat supplied/third-party)

  • These two packages are they are CLI command tools of LSI RAID controller for Huawei 2288 V3 to query and manage the hard disk in RAID group, to query the RAID group and hard disk information (such as, hard disk SN number and disk slot number and so on). After get the hard disk SN and slot number information, the FusionStorage can get the physical hard disk to group the virtual storage to provision volume to Cinder.

  • Supportability
    Support for HuaWei FusionStorage Driver is provided directly by HuaWei, including support of the additional cli tool packages MegaCli-8.07.10-1.noarch and storcli-1.13.06-1.noarch will be provided by HuaWei, specified by Red Hat's support policy for third-party software. For details on policy refer article How does Red Hat Global Support Services handle third-party software, drivers, and/or uncertified hardware/hypervisors?

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