How to add local accounts to a server when same user exist in ldap

Solution Verified - Updated -


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4/5/6/7/8/9


servers that are using LDAP for user authentication, have a requirement to add a limited number of local accounts to a system.

However when executing the useradd account it errors as there is already an LDAP entry

[fx18:root]:/root > adduser -u 1445 -g 2936 -c"Test User" -d /home/foo -s /bin/sh -m foo
adduser: user foo exists


Having the same account in multiple back-ends(files and ldap) is a bad practice and highly discouraged. If a user account (that exist in ldap or other backends) needs to added local, disable ldap temporarily and add the user.

Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf file, Remove the reference to other backend (ldap,nis,etc..) from passwd, group, shadow entries and add the user.

Root Cause

useradd/adduser commands searches all backends and add new users only if the user entry is not present in all of the configured backends.

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