How do I upgrade from PHP 5.1 to 5.3 in RHEL 5?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL)
  • PHP 5.1
  • MySQL


  • Our installation of package php-5.1.x is integrated with mysql. How can I update php-5.1.X to php-5.3.X without any data loss?
  • Need to upgrade PHP from version 5.1.6 to 5.3


  • To install php53 first need to remove 5.1 version of the php package, as shown below:
  1. Remove the php package:
# yum remove php php-common
  1. Install php53 package:
# yum install php53

Note: If the data exist in the mysql database then removing PHP-5.1.6 wont led to data loss only you need to do edit /etc/php.ini.

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