Which update release and architecture of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 is required for a Sun Fire X4600 M2 system equipped with AMD Opteron processors codenamed "Shanghai"?

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  • Can you confiirm what the minimum supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 release is for the Sun Microsystems Sun Fire X4600 M2 server with the AMD "Shanghai" processor?


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
  • Sun Fire X4600 M2 server equipped with AMD Opteron Processor codenamed "Shanghai".


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 update 7 or later, x86_64 architecture, is required to support the Sun Fire X4600 M2 with AMD Opteron processors codenamed "Shanghai".
  • The earliest Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 kernel supporting AMD Shanghai Opteron processors is Kernel-2.6.9-78.EL.

Root Cause

  • Support for AMD Opteron processors codenamed "Shanghai" was added to kernel-2.6.9-78.EL (released with RHEL4.7) as this was the current release when the hardware was introduced.

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