Database instance was down due to VCS ERROR V-16-1-13067
Database instance was down unexpectedly.
Below errors were noticed in the logs(/var/log/messages):
Jun 14 13:28:45 Hostname AgentFramework[8801]: VCS ERROR V-16-1-13067 Thread(4115078032) Agent is calling clean for resource(vcs_inst1) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own.
Jun 14 13:28:45 Hostname Had[3806]: VCS ERROR V-16-1-13067 (PG786) Agent is calling clean for resource(vcs_inst1) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own.
Jun 14 13:28:53 Hostname DB2[21512]: 2012-06-14- I2053168E432 LEVEL: Error PID : 21512 TID : 47386764241216PROC : db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: aeinst1 NODE : 000 EDUID : 17 EDUNAME: db2tcpcm 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, common communication, sqlcctcpconnmgr_child, probe:155 MESSAGE : DIA3208E Error encountered in TCP/IP protocol support. TCP/IP function "close". Socket was "3". Errno was "9".
Jun 14 13:32:45 Hostname AgentFramework[8801]: VCS ERROR V-16-1-13006 Thread(4100979600) Resource(vcs_inst1): clean procedure did not complete within the expected time.
Jun 14 13:32:45 Hostname Had[3806]: VCS ERROR V-16-1-13006 (PG786) Resource(vcs_inst1): clean procedure did not complete within the expected time.
Jun 14 14:03:53 Hostname AgentFramework[8801]: VCS ERROR V-16-1-13078 Thread(4136057744) Resource(vcs_inst1) - clean completed successfully after 1 failed attempts.
Jun 14 14:03:53 Hostname AgentFramework[8801]: VCS ERROR V-16-1-13073 Thread(4136057744) Resource(vcs_inst1) became OFFLINE unexpectedly on its own. Agent is restarting (attempt number 1 of 3) the resource.
Jun 14 14:03:53 Hostname Had[3806]: VCS ERROR V-16-1-13073 (PG786) Resource(vcs_inst1) became OFFLINE unexpectedly on its own. Agent is restarting (attempt number 1 of 3) the resource.
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