JBoss port binding with two IP address.

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • RedHat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform(EAP)
    • 5.x


  • How to bind the mulpile IP to single JBoss EAP instance ?
  • How to bind JBoss on two IP addresses.it's possible to bind JBoss on all interfaces by using the -b property, but we cannot use all interfaces, only two are alowed for this JBoss instance.
  • We want to know, if it is possible to configure 2 IPs in a single JBoss AS instance, where JBoss AS is running in Domain Cluster Mode.
  • Currently, We are running JBoss AS instance with physical IP configured for the machine. It is working fine. We also want to configure Management IP of the machine as well in the same instance.


  • It is not possible to bind single JBoss instance on multiple IP's,we can bind only a specific or all ip's,however we can do like in below way :
    • In the server/xxx/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/server.xml file, add a second Connector entry, providing a different hard-coded IP address for each,It would work but the configuration only binds the JBossWeb component to multiple IP addresses, not the instance as a whole.:
<Connector port="8080" address="first-ip-address"... />  
<Connector port="8080" address="second-ip-address"... /> 

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