How to convert preallocated disks to thin provisioned disks?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Virtualization 4


  • How to convert preallocated disks to thin provisioned disks?
  • Is there an option in RHEV-M GUI to convert preallocated disks to thin provisioned disks?


  • There isn't any direct option in RHEV-M to convert preallocated disks to thin provisioned disks.
  • A Feature Request is filed in the bugzilla 977778


  • recommended Clone the VM with preallocated disks. This will create a clone with all disk thin-provisioned.
  • Create an additional thin provisioned image of the required size, attach it to the VM, and use dd or a similar command to copy the contents of the preallocated disk to the preallocated disk from within the VM. The original disk can be removed from the VM.

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