How to create users' home directory by using "" module if it does not exist in autofs ?

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • How to create users' home directory automaticlly if it does not exist by using autofs ?


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

    Assume that there are 3 machines: machineA as NFS server,machineB as autofs server and machineC.

  • Create and share a directory in machineA(NFS server).

        # vim /etc/exports
        /export/home   *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
  • Configure autofs in machineB.

    1. Configure auto.master.

      # vim /etc/auto.master
      /mnt/home   /etc/auto.home
    2. Configure auto.home.

      # vim /etc/auto.home
      home            /             -rw 
      home            /nic          -rw
    3. Configure password-auth.

      # vim /etc/pam.d/password-auth 
      (Change the line that has the keyword "optional" like below)
      session     optional debug
    4. Configure system-auth.

      # cat /etc/pam.d/system-auth |grep optional
      (Change the line that has the keyword "optional" like below)
      session     optional debug
    5. Edit /etc/sysconfig/autofs and set:

  • Test.

    1. Create a user test in machineB.

      # useradd test 
    2. Delete user test home directory.

      # rm -rf /home/test
    3. SSH to machineB from machineC.

      # ssh test@<machineB-IP>
    4. If it comes out and show like this:

      $ ssh test@<machineB-IP>
      test@<machineB-IP>'s password: 
      Creating directory '/home/test'
      Last login: <time> from <IP-address>
      NFS autofs/home builder

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