Which additional kernel options/configurations should be used with the Fujitsu Futro S920 ?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.6
  • Fujitsu Futro S920
  • kexec-tools


  • Which additional kernel options/configurations should be used with the Fujitsu Futro S920 ?



Additional kernel options should be used for this system.

  • For installation, to be able to use USB connected mouse and/or keyboard, kernel parameter iommu=soft should be added.
  • After installation, iommu=soft should be added as kernel option to /etc/grub.conf and the system should be rebooted.
  • Additionally, to ensure kdump is working, the following points should be taken care of:

    • kernel option crashkernel=256M should be used in /etc/grub.conf
    • blacklist radeon should be used in /etc/kdump.conf
    • Also with iommu=soft beeing used for the main kernel, it should be ensured its not getting used for the kdump kernel. Please verify that no kernel options are used in /etc/sysconfig/kdump:


RHEL6.7GA and later

RHEL6.7GA and later contain patches so the options are no longer required.

Root Cause

Additional kernel options should be used with the Fujitsu Futro S920 when RHEL6.6 is used. RHEL6.7GA and later contain patches so the options are no longer required.

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