How can I configure BIND to run in a RHEL High Availability cluster service?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Cluster Suite (RHCS) 4
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 or 6 with the High Availability Add On
  • bind DNS server


  • How do I run BIND services in a High Availability environment?
  • Can bind/named be configured as a highly available service in a RHEL cluster?


Because bind already has redundant master/slave capabilities built-in, it is often simpler and more effective to use that functionality as opposed to configuring a cluster service for it.

However, if for some reason that does not work, bind can be configured via a script resource in /etc/cluster/cluster.conf like other software that does not have a dedicated resource agent. For example:

  <service name="dns" domain="nodes1-2" recovery="relocate">
     <ip address="" monitor_link="1"/>
     <lvm name="vg-lv" vg_name="vg" lv_name="lv">
        <fs name="dns-fs" device="/dev/vg/lv" mountpoint="/var/lib/named" fstype="ext3" fsid="1234" self_fence="1" force_unmount="1">
           <script name="named" file="/etc/init.d/named"/>

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