Why does rpmbuild add dependencies automatically while building an rpm?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5/6
  • rpm-build


  • Building an rpm from the source and spec file.
  • The source contains various scripts and few binaries.
  • The spec file doesn't contain the Requires: section which should let rpmbuild to build rpm without any dependencies.
  • Why does rpmbuild add dependencies automatically while building the rpm containing scripts?


  • The binary rpm-build while building the package, extracts the source as per mentioned in the spec file.
  • During that process, it runs file command on all the files present in the source if those files are required to be put as they are via rpm.
  • This is done by the script /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires which adds the dependencies automatically.
  • For example, if the file to be deployed is a python script, then /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires will automatically add python in the dependency of that rpm package.

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