Trying to create remote Fabric managed container fails with "Could not find file"

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • JBoss Fuse 6.1


I am trying to create a remote Fabric managed container using

fabric:container-create-ssh --host remote-machine  --user admin  --password  admin MyContainer

This command fails with

Could not find file

The response during command execution:

Running: mkdir -p /home/admin/containers/
Running: cd /home/admin/containers/
Running: mkdir -p container
Running: cd container
Java version is greater than 1.6.
Downloading Maven Artifact with groupId: io.fabric8 artifactId: fabric8-karaf and version: 1.0.0.redhat-379 from repository: http://host:8181/maven/download/
Using URL: http://host:8181/maven/download/io/fabric8/fabric8-karaf/1.0.0.redhat-379/
Download failed with code: 000
rm: cannot remove `': No such file or directory
Downloading Maven Artifact with groupId: io.fabric8 artifactId: fabric8-karaf and version: 1.0.0.redhat-379 from repository:
Using URL:
Download failed with code: 000
rm: cannot remove `': No such file or directory
Downloading Maven Artifact with groupId: io.fabric8 artifactId: fabric8-karaf and version: 1.0.0.redhat-379 from repository:
Using URL:
Download failed with code: 000
rm: cannot remove `': No such file or directory
Downloading Maven Artifact with groupId: io.fabric8 artifactId: fabric8-karaf and version: 1.0.0.redhat-379 from repository:
Using URL:
Download failed with code: 000
rm: cannot remove `': No such file or directory
Command Failed:Could not find file

However the file exist in the JBoss Fuse installation, in


The machines are not connected to the Internet but the zip file should have been downloaded from the root container.
So why does the remote machine fail to download the zip file?


Is there perhaps a DNS lookup problem? Can the remote machine resolve the DNS name of the machine running the Fabric root container (in this example hostname 'host')?
To verify, try to retrieve the url


from the remote machine (where the Fabric managed container creation failed) using a browser or a command line tool wget. Can it resolve the DNS name address correctly?

From the output above, the remote container also tries to retrieve from our public Maven repositories, but if that machine is not connected to the Internet, that attempt will fails as well.

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