How do I use the be2iscsi DUP package when installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5?

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • System needing the be2iscsi DUP driver for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5


How do I use the be2iscsi DUP package when installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5?


Follow the directions in Red Hat Knowledgebase article to prepare and use the Driver Update Program (DUP) disk. You will need to use the additional boot-time argument "rdblacklist=be2iscsi" to be able to load the DUP be2iscsi driver at install time. Without that argument, the be2iscsi driver that is present in the installer kernel will not be unloaded and the newer DUP version of the driver cannot be used.

Note: An unrelated issue may occur if multipath iSCSI interfaces repeatedly come online and go offline during installation. That condition could lead to a hang and a trace message in the logs. To avoid this, ensure your iSCSI interfaces have stable connections.

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