When configuring SNMP and MRTG using the --username parameter in RHEL 6 the error "WARNING: SNMP V3 libraries not found, SNMP V3 disabled. Falling back to V2c." occurs
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
When attempting to set up SNMP and MRTG using the following command:
$ cfgmaker --global "WorkDir: /var/www/mrtg/example" --global "Options[_]: bits,growright" --output /etc/mrtg/example.cfg --ifref=name --username <user> --privpassword <password> --privprotocol=des --authprotocol=MD5 --authpassword <password> --contextengineid=NULL ip.address.goes.here:::::3
Or any configuration similar that includes the --username parameter the output is as follows:
WARNING: SNMP V3 libraries not found, SNMP V3 disabled. Falling back to V2c.
reverting to snmpV2c for router public@ip.address.goes.here:::::3
Using the --username option requires SNMP V3, however RHEL 6 does not meet the requirements for this as the perl-Net-SNMP package is not included in RHEL 6.
This is an issue that stems from the dis inclusion of the perl-Net-SNMP package in RHEL 6. As this is a known issue there has been an RFE request opened which can be tracked at this link.
Additionally the perl-Net-SNMP does exist in the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository. For further information about EPEL you can visit this link. *Please note that is a third party link and any information contained therein is provided solely by the website maintainer and any instructions should be followed at your own risk.
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