Cluster fails to unfence a node or start scsi_reserve when using shared devices with partitions in a RHEL High Availability cluster with fence_scsi

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • When starting cman ( older clustering services ), the service fails at "Unfencing self", and the logs show fence_node: unfence failed:

    Jul 28 12:09:11 node1 fence_node[31482]: unfence failed
  • I get reservation errors in /var/log/messages when starting a cman cluster.

    May  3 13:19:37 node1 scsi_reserve: [info] registered with device /dev/sdc (key=0x1a740001)
    May  3 13:19:37 node1 scsi_reserve: [info] registered with device /dev/sdd (key=0x1a740001)
    May  3 13:19:37 node1 scsi_reserve: [error] unable to create reservation on /dev/dm-10 (key=0x1a740001)
    May  3 13:19:37 node1 scsi_reserve: [error] unable to create reservation on /dev/dm-12 (key=0x1a740001)
    May  3 13:19:37 node1 scsi_reserve: [info] 2 errors during registration
    May  3 13:19:37 node1 scsi_reserve: [info] leaving the fence domain
    May  3 13:21:25 node1 scsi_reserve: [info] unable to remove registration on /dev/sdc (key=0x1a740001)
    May  3 13:21:25 node1 scsi_reserve: [info] unable to remove registration on /dev/sdd (key=0x1a740001)
    May  3 13:21:31 node1 scsi_reserve: [info] registered with devUsing SCSI Persistent Reservations with RHEL 4 or 5ice /dev/sdc (key=0x1a740001)
    May  3 13:21:31 node1 scsi_reserve: [info] registered with device /dev/sdd (key=0x1a740001)
    May  3 13:21:31 node1 scsi_reserve: [error] unable to create reservation on /dev/dm-10 (key=0x1a740001)
    May  3 13:21:31 node1 scsi_reserve: [error] unable to create reservation on /dev/dm-12 (key=0x1a740001)
    May  3 13:21:31 node1 scsi_reserve: [info] 2 errors during registration
    May  3 13:21:31 node1 scsi_reserve: [info] leaving the fence domain
    May  3 13:38:32 node1 scsi_reserve: [info] removed registration on /dev/sdc (key=0x1a740001)
  • When attempting to start scsi_reserve on a cman cluster node, or while trying to start manually on a pacemaker cluster node:

    Active clustered Logical Volumes: /dev/vg_ha/lvol1 /dev/vg_gfs/lvol1  /dev/vg_gfs/lvol2 /dev/vg_gfs/lvol3
    persistent reservation in: pass through os error: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    PR in: command failed
    persistent reservation in: pass through os error: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    PR in: command failed
    No registered devices found.
  • While running in a pacemaker cluster, fence_scsi stonith devices fail when running against partitioned scsi device.

    • It is possible you may additionally see it start successfully, but this is still an unsupported configuration.


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) with the High Availability Add On
  • Cluster configured with SCSI Persistent Reservation Fencing (fence_scsi)
  • Shared devices with partitions
    • The fence_scsi fence/stonith device is either:
      • Configured with a devices attribute that includes partitions in the list, or
      • Does not have a devices attribute configured and there are shared, clustered volume groups in this cluster that contain one or more PVs that reside on a partition instead of an entire device

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