Default objects are missing in GUI while hammer lists them

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6


  • some objects like several media, environments or domains exist by default in foreman provisioning
  • hammer can list the objects without a problem
  • GUI does not show them

Why GUI does not show the default object?


Ensure that "Any Organization" is chosen in the GUI (see top navigation pane on the left), or that the objects have been added to the organization you selected in the GUI.

Root Cause

The GUI user selected some Organization that hides the objects not assigned to this Organization.

hammer command line tool shows the objects as it works by default under "Any Organization" - until one specifies the Organization via --organization option.

Diagnostic Steps

Default hammer output for medium, environment and domain whose lists are empty for "non-Any" organization by default:

# hammer -u admin -p qwJxBptxb7Gfcjj5 medium list
ID | NAME            | PATH                                                                         
1  | CentOS mirror   |$major.$minor/os/$arch                       
2  | Debian mirror   |                                                
3  | Fedora mirror   |$major/Fedora/$arch/os/
4  | FreeBSD mirror  |$arch/$major.$minor-RELEASE/     
5  | OpenSUSE mirror |$major.$minor/repo/oss             
6  | Ubuntu mirror   |                                            
# hammer -u admin -p qwJxBptxb7Gfcjj5 environment list
ID | NAME      
1  | production
# hammer -u admin -p qwJxBptxb7Gfcjj5 domain list
ID | NAME                          
1  |

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