How to mitigate CVE-2014-3120 on Fuse and A-MQ products
- Red Hat JBoss Fuse
- 6.x
- Fuse ESB Enterprise
- 7.x
- Red Hat JBoss A-MQ
- 6.x
- Fuse MQ Enterprise
- 7.x
Red Hat JBoss Fuse, Red Hat JBoss A-MQ, Fuse ESB Enterprise, and Fuse MQ Enterprise include the insight plugin. This plugin provides insight into a Fuse Fabric using Elasticsearch to query data for logs, metrics or historic Camel messages. This plugin is not enabled by default, and is provided as a technology preview. If it is enabled, by installing the feature e.g.:
JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install insight-elasticsearch
Then an Elasticsearch server will be started.
It was discovered that default configuration in Elasticsearch enabled dynamic scripting, allowing a remote attacker to execute arbitrary MVEL expressions and Java code via the source parameter passed to _search. (CVE-2014-3120)
All users of Fuse and A-MQ products who have enabled Elasticsearch are advised to follow the instructions provided in the Resolution section of this solution.
If a fabric has not been created yet:
Edit "fabric/import/fabric/configs/versions/1.0/profiles/insight-core/"
Add a line "script.disable_dynamic = true" -
Edit "fabric/import/fabric/configs/versions/1.0/profiles/insight-core/"
Add a line "script.disable_dynamic = true"
If a fabric has already been created:
- Go to the shell console and execute the following command:
profile-edit --pid org.fusesource.insight.elasticsearch-default/script.disable_dynamic=true insight-core
For non-fabric containers:
- On Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6 and Red Hat JBoss A-MQ 6, edit "system/io/fabric8/fabric8-karaf/1.0.0.redhat-379/fabric8-karaf-1.0.0.redhat-379-features.xml"
Add a line "script.disable_dynamic = true" after the line "" -
On Fuse ESB Enterprise 7 and Fuse MQ Enterprise 7, edit "system/org/fusesource/fabric/fuse-fabric/7.1.0.fuse-047/fuse-fabric-7.1.0.fuse-047-features.xml"
Add a line "script.disable_dynamic = true" after the line "" -
Go to the shell console and execute the following script
caRef = ($.context getServiceReference
ca = ($.context getService $caRef)
cfgs = $ca listConfigurations '(*)'
each $cfgs { props = $it properties ; $props put "script.disable_dynamic" "true" ; $it update $props }
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