How can the 'max_connections' parameter in Postgres be increased for CloudForms?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  • postgres
  • CloudForms


  • We are seeing the following error on our Postgres server logs:
psql: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already
  • The same error is being received on the application side when trying to connect to the database.
  • How can this condition be averted?


  • First, please make sure that connections are being properly closed when not used anymore by the application(s). If connections are indeed being closed properly, the max_connections parameter can be modified from the postgresql.conf file that is present in your PostgreSQL instance directory.
max_connections = 500

Please be aware that increasing the number of available connections will likely impact the memory footprint of your DB. Consider tuning the memory-related configuration options too when increasing max_connections.

Root Cause

The max_connections parameter defaults to 100 and can easily be reached with a certain number of clients and/or not properly closing connections.

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