Only one SwitchYard application works at a time if different EAR are deployed with a SwitchYard application packaged inside it

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • There are multiple EAR having SwitchYard applications which are packaged and deployed to Fuse Service Works 6.0.0 servers. In such a scenario a strange problem is observed. When one EAR having SwitchYard application is deployed and user tries to send requests to it (e.g. sending SOAP messages to a SOAP binding in this example) it works fine and return correct response. But as soon another EAR is deployed, the first EAR stops working and returns SOAP fault message SWITCHYARD035452. However the new EAR continues to work fine. Now if the first EAR is redeployed, the first EAR again is accessible, but the second EAR stops working and returns SWITCHYARD035452.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
   <SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""></SOAP>
      <SOAP-ENV:Fault xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         <faultstring>SWITCHYARD035452: Timed out after 15000 ms waiting on synchronous response from target service '{urn:com.test.sample:SY-SERVICE-SOAP:1.0}SOAPBindingServicePortType'.</faultstring>

No matter which technique is followed to deploy the application (i.e. through Admin Console , CLI or even deploying the archive in \deployments folder) the issue remains the same. Is it really a known issue and how this issue can be fixed?

  • Users get the following exception when deploying multiple SwitchYard orchestration jars within a single EAR application.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to find BeanManager. Please ensure that you configured the CDI implementation of your choice properly

The issue seems to be similar to what has been described and solved in the following forum [1] JIRA [2] issues. Is there a workaround/fix available in FSW 6.0.0 for this issue ?

[1] Problem with multiple modules deployed in EARs
[2] Threads started from Camel do not have correct namespace context


  • Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works (FSW)
    • 6.0.0

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