Red Hat Certificate System Certificate Authority (CA) HTTP API ,how to add a CA chain link

Solution Verified - Updated -


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
Red Hat Certificate System 8
Firefox web browser


How can I modify the Red Hat Certificate System (RHCS) Certificate Authority (CA) End Entity (EE) page to provide the feature "Import CA certificate Chain" using the HTTP API?


Modify the CA's "End Entity"/EE landing page to use the getCAChain Tomcat's servlet.
There are several possibilities:

  • Can have HTML added to a page, for example:
<a href="">Get CA chain</a></li>

Example of a command line providing an XML output:

/usr/bin/wget -nc --no-check-certificate -O ~/getCertChain.txt
  • Or have the following on a host httpd configuraton in file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf using mod_proxy to not hit the CA directly:
Redirect /cachain
ProxyPass /getcachain
ProxyPassReverse /getcachain

As an example, Firefox browsing to

Will prompt the user with a popup window to download and trust the CA chain.

Root Cause

The "Get CA chain" feature may need to be implemented separately for customization purpose.

Diagnostic Steps

CA's debug log entries examples:

less /var/log/pki-ca/debug

Display example:

[28/Sep/2013:17:40:16][http-9444-Processor24]: CMSServlet:service() uri = /ca/ee/ca/getCAChain
[28/Sep/2013:17:40:16][http-9444-Processor24]: CMSServlet::service() param name='submit' value='Submit'
[28/Sep/2013:17:40:16][http-9444-Processor24]: CMSServlet::service() param name='mimeType' value='application/x-x509-ca-cert'
[28/Sep/2013:17:40:16][http-9444-Processor24]: CMSServlet::service() param name='op' value='displayIND'
[28/Sep/2013:17:40:16][http-9444-Processor24]: CMSServlet: caGetCAChain start to service.

Download example:

[30/Sep/2013:11:25:08][http-9180-Processor25]: CMSServlet:service() uri = /ca/ee/ca/getCAChain
[30/Sep/2013:11:25:08][http-9180-Processor25]: CMSServlet::service() param name='mimeType' value='application/x-x509-ca-cert'
[30/Sep/2013:11:25:08][http-9180-Processor25]: CMSServlet::service() param name='op' value='download'
[30/Sep/2013:11:25:08][http-9180-Processor25]: CMSServlet: caGetCAChain start to service.

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