Why auto tab completion does not work in nmcli ?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprice Linux 7
  • NetworkManager
  • nmcli


  • Auto tab completion does not work with nmcli on RHEL7.
  • On pressing tab with nmcli command, it shows list of files available in present directory instead of showing nmcli options.
  • Upon pressing tab, nmcli command should show available options as below.
$ nmcli 
connection  device      general     help        networking  radio


  • Install bash-completion package, mostly it should be installed by default. Install it and restart shell.
# yum -y install bash-completion

Root Cause

  • As bash-completion tool was missing, auto completion wont work.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check whether bash-completion package is installed.
# rpm -qa | grep bash-completion

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