FAQ: What is the docker-format and how is it integrated in RHEL 7?

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7


  • I have a lot of questions around docker-format, and its integration with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Is there a FAQ available?
  • Is docker available with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation subscription. If not which subscription should I buy ?


Basics and Overview

What are Linux Containers?

Linux Containers is a dense application packaging and isolation technology that provides resource management, process isolation, and security on a single host. Applications are packaged with their required runtime components and deployed on a certified Red Hat Enterprise Linux host. It allows one system to run multiple secure, isolated runtimes for applications to increase system utilization.

What is docker?

Docker is an open source project that extends Linux containers to provide the capability to package an application with its runtime dependencies. It provides a docker CLI to manage container images.

When did RHEL include this technology?

Core Linux containers features such as cgroups and namespaces were first introduced in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 as Technology Preview and SELinux isolation methods where introduced in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.
Support for Linux containers and the docker-format container packaging formats was first introduced in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

Accessing RHEL Container Images

How can I download docker?

docker user space tools can be downloaded via two methods:

  1. Subscribing to the new RHEL Extras channel/repository and then using yum. This is as a new sub-channel of the RHEL 7 base channel. NOTE: The RHEL Extras channel/repository is not automatically subscribed and must be explicitly subscribed via yum commands. For more information about how to subscribe to the RHEL Extras channel, please refer to the following: Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat System
  2. Directly from the Customer Portal via the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Landing Page

Where can I download RHEL container images?

The RHEL 7 base image container in docker-format can be found at https://access.redhat.com/search/browse/container-images#?.

What subscriptions are required?

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server subscriptions are required to enable the complete docker-based container workflow.

Is docker for RHEL 7 only?

Yes, docker is only available and supported as part of Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7. It is not shipped or supported for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 7.


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