How do I switch clustering to TCP instead of multicast UDP in JBoss Data Grid

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss Data Grid (JDG)
    • 6.x
    • 7.x


  • How does one switch clustering to TCP from UDP in JBoss Data Grid?
  • Can JBoss Data Grid be configured to use TCP-based clusters?


If using JDG in client server mode:

  • Within the jgroups subsystem of the clustered.xml configuration change ${jboss.default.jgroups.stack:udp} to ${jboss.default.jgroups.stack:tcp}. Alternatively, one can pass in -Djboss.default.jgroups.stack=tcp at startup.

  • From the tcp stack, remove the MPING (UPD-based discovery) protocol, replacing it with TCPPING(TCP-based discovery) like such:

    <protocol type="TCPPING">
        <property name="initial_hosts">[7600],[7600]</property>
        <property name="num_initial_members">2</property>
        <property name="port_range">0</property>
        <property name="timeout">2000</property>

If using JDG in library mode (see the example default-configs/default-jgroups-tcp.xml file distributed inside infinispan-embedded-*.jar):

  • Set the desired bind address (use the IP address that will be listed in the initial_hosts configuration below):
<TCP bind_addr="${jgroups.tcp.address:}"
  • Replace MPING in that configuration with TCPPING:
    <TCPPING timeout="2000"

-initial_hosts is a listing of all members of the cluster and should be the same on every node.
- port_range should be set to 0.
- num_initial_members should be equal to the total number of members within the cluster.

  • For JDG 7.1 (and beyond), use the below TCPPING configuration :
<protocol type="TCPPING">
    <property name="initial_hosts">[7600],[7600]</property>

NOTE : From JDG 7.1 num_initial_members and timeout property will not work. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 7.1 uses JGroups 4.0.0.CR2, in which the TCPPING timeout value no longer exists. Use the pbcast.GMS join_timeout value to indicate the timeout period instead.

ERROR [] (MSC service thread 1-8) MSC000001: Failed to start service org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: JGRP000001: configuration error: the following properties in org.jgroups.protocols.TCPPING are not recognized: {num_initial_members=2, timeout=2000}
  • pbcast.GMS join_timeout can be used instead of timeout in JDG 7.1

Refer to TCP Default and Recommended Values for more information.

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