pam_access(sshd:account): cannot resolve hostname "LOCAL"

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • pam_access started producing below log messages after updating pam package:

    pam_access(sshd:account): cannot resolve hostname "LOCAL"
    pam_access(sshd:account): cannot resolve hostname "cron"
    pam_access(sshd:account): cannot resolve hostname "crond"
    pam_access(sshd:account): cannot resolve hostname ":0"
    pam_access(sshd:account): cannot resolve hostname "tty1"
    pam_access(sshd:account): cannot resolve hostname "tty2"
    pam_access(sshd:account): cannot resolve hostname "tty3"
    pam_access(sshd:account): cannot resolve hostname "tty4"
    pam_access(sshd:account): cannot resolve hostname "tty5"
    pam_access(sshd:account): cannot resolve hostname "tty6"
  • /etc/security/access.conf contains below access rules:

    +:root:LOCAL cron crond :0 tty1 tty2 tty3 tty4 tty5 tty6


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10
    • pam-1.3.1-33
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4
    • pam-1.5.1-19

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