Red Hat Learning Subscription - Getting Started

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Maximize your Red Hat Learning Subscription

To set you up for success with your Red Hat Learning Subscription, we’ve compiled a few foundational tasks to help you get the most out of your subscription experience.

  1. **Download the Getting Started Guides \
    **Access comprehensive guides to help you kickstart your journey with Red Hat products and services.

  2. Access you skills Take a skills assessment
  3. **Log in with Your Red Hat Account \
    **Use your Red Hat account ID linked to your subscription to access exclusive resources and personalized content.
  4. Enroll in a **skills path \
    **Choose a skills path to identify courses that align with your goals, whether you're developing a specific skill set or aiming for a certification.
  5. Explore the course catalog** \
    Browse the extensive catalog of courses and begin your learning journey with **with training on one of the Red Hat core platforms

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Serves as the cornerstone for open source technologies, offering a comprehensive Linux curriculum that nurtures real-world skills
    • Red Hat OpenShift® Platform: Prepare your organization for the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and edge-centric infrastructure across hybrid cloud infrastructure
    • **Red Hat Ansible® Automation Platform: **Explore the benefits of advanced automation: learn about the ins and outs of building, installing, configuring, and managing Ansible Automation Platform to scale up your organization’s use of Ansible automation.
  6. Premium subscription
  7. Validate your knowledge of Red Hat technologies
    • Schedule certification exams** **(premium, standard, developer subscribers). Certifying with Red Hat can help individuals, teams, and organizations validate the knowledge needed to stay ahead of the technology curve.
  8. Discover the latest updates, features, and courses in your Red Hat Learning Subscription.
    • Subscribe to the Red Hat Learning Subscription newsletter

Additional resources
