Consolidation announcements in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security 4.5

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At Red Hat, we're thrilled to unveil our latest release: Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes (RHACS) 4.5. Following last year's major 4.0 release, our team has been hard at work enhancing the essential workflows that businesses depend upon to safeguard their Kubernetes and container environments. The 4.5 release marks a significant milestone for our security solution, and coincides with our SaaS offering, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security Cloud Service’s graduation from limited availability to general availability.

The 4.5 release includes major general availability (GA) announcements and significant feature updates to core functionality. These include:

  • Vulnerability Management 2.0 General Availability (GA)
  • Scanner V4 General Availability (GA)
  • Compliance enhancements
  • Hardening Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security integrations

Additional Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security platform updates include:

  • RHACS on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) Hosted control planes (HCP)
  • Built-in email notifier in RHACS Cloud Service
  • Extended Github action support in roxctl

As always, you can find more information about the release in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security documentation and release notes and blog, and you can explore the new SaaS version of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security through the 60-day, no-cost trial of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security Cloud Service.

  • Product
  • Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes