oc mirror does not mirror intermediate versions on eus channels with shortestPath

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • When using shortestPath: true in oc mirrorin an EUS channel, only the minVersion and maxVersion are mirrored, but not an intermediate version that allows upgrading between them.

  • For example, when using an ImageSetConfiguration such as this

    kind: ImageSetConfiguration
    apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2
      path: ./oc-mirror-metadata
      graph: true # Required for the OSUS ooperator
        - amd64
      - name: stable-4.12
        minVersion: '4.12.28'
        maxVersion: '4.12.28'
        shortestPath: true
        type: ocp
      - name: eus-4.14
        minVersion: '4.12.28'
        maxVersion: '4.14.16'
        shortestPath: true
        type: ocp

    No 4.13.z version is mirrored, so no EUS upgrade is possible in a supported way.


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, using oc-mirror plugin
    • 4.14 (reproduced on version 4.14.0-202402081809.p0.g6874730.assembly.stream.el8-6874730)

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