Unexpected active sessions stop by systemd-logind

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
  • midnight commander, gdm, systemd-logind


  • Active session can be unexpectedly terminated if user activity in the session is for example, browsing files in Midnight Commander or reading manual pages using the man utility.
  • Graphical session that run Gnome Display Manager (gdm) might be terminated unexpectedly and that has adverse influence on the overall state of the GNOME desktop environment.


The Red Hat engineering team is actively working on addressing aforementioned issues. In order to address the first, the Linux kernel fix (commit 360c11e, commit e8cc334) was proposed and is now in the process of backporting to affected versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHEL9: The kernel fix was delivered to RHEL9.4: RHSA-2024:2394
RHEL8: The work is still ongoing, there is no fix available

The second problem will be addressed by the backport of systemd-logind fix

Root Cause

Previously, OpenSSH server options ClientAliveInterval= and ClientAliveCountMax= were used to implement STIG provision which requires the system to terminate idle sessions. Since the OpenSSH bugfix changed the behavior of these options it was no longer possible to implement the STIG provision using them and the compliance team was looking for a suitable replacement.

New option, StopIdleSessionSec= was implemented in systemd-logind and was backported to Red Hat Enterprise Linux and STIG role started to employ the new option. This change introduced the issues with unexpectedly terminated sessions.

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