Creating a custom partition table in Satellite.
I want to create a partition table to use when I'm kickstarting new servers in Satellite (version 6.13 or 6.14)
The manual is quite vague.
The hammer-command in the manual says:
# hammer partition-table create --file "part.txt" --locations "My_Location" --name "My Partition Table" --organizations "My_Organization" --os-family "My_OS_Family" --snippet false
What I'm wondering is how the file "part.txt" should look like if I want a partition layout looking something like this
part /boot --fstype ext4 --size 200 --asprimary
part swap --size 4000
part / --fstype ext4 --size 30720 --grow
part /tmp --fstype ext4 --size 1024
part /var --fstype ext4 --size 5120
part /var/log --fstype ext4 --size 5120
OS I'm installing is RHEL8.9
Best regards Peter