ERROR: Configuration file <virt-who-conf>.conf contains no section headers
- Red Hat Satellite 6.2
- Virt-who
command is failing with below error:
# virt-who -d -o
ERROR: Configuration file virt-who.conf contains no section headers
- First, execute below command to verify character-set of virt-who configuration file:
# file -i /etc/virt-who.d/<virt-who>.conf
- Now move original virt-who configuration file to
# mv /etc/virt-who.d/<virt-who>.conf /tmp
- After that run below command to change character-set to
and copy it to virt-who configuration directory:
# iconv -f UTF8 -t US-ASCII//TRANSLIT /tmp/<virt-who>.conf > /etc/virt-who.d/<virt-who>.conf
- Verify the changes with below command:
# file -i /etc/virt-who.d/<virt-who>.conf
- Now run below command to print virt-who debug on screen:
# virt-who -d -o
For more KB articles/solutions related to Virt-who and Virtual Datacenter (VDC) Subscriptions Issues, please refer to the Consolidated Troubleshooting Article for Virt-who and Virtual Datacenter (VDC) Subscriptions Issues
Root Cause
- Virt-Who configuration file has been downloaded from Red Hat virt-who configuration helper Tool.
- The downloaded file contains character-set in UTF-8 format, which is unsupported.
- Virt-who configuration file needs to be in US-ASCII character-set format
Diagnostic Steps
- Download virt-who configuration file from Red Hat virt-who configuration helper Tool.
- virt-who command is printing below error:
# virt-who -d --one-shot
2017-09-01 16:00:48,575 ERROR: Configuration file <virt-who>.conf contains no section headers
2017-09-01 16:00:48,575 INFO: No configurations found (are there any '.conf' files in /etc/virt-who.d?), using libvirt as backend
2017-09-01 16:00:48,575 INFO: Using configuration "env/cmdline" ("libvirt" mode)
2017-09-01 16:00:48,575 INFO: Using reporter_id='satellite.example.conf-fe365534f07f47a6bfd2ee52b4800fdb'
2017-09-01 16:00:48,623 INFO: Using libvirt url: ""
2017-09-01 16:00:48,623 ERROR: Error in libvirt backend
libvirtError: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock-ro': No such file or directory
2017-09-01 16:00:48,623 ERROR: Thread 'env/cmdline' fails with error: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock-ro': No such file or directory
2017-09-01 16:00:48,624 INFO: Report for config "env/cmdline" gathered, placing in datastore
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