Does Azure Red Hat Openshift need a subscription from Red Hat?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift on Azure (ARO)
    • 4


  • Who is responsible for managing subscription for Azure Red Hat Openshift (ARO)?
  • Who do I contact if I need to re-use subscription for existing Azure Red Hat Openshift (ARO) cluster?


  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift subscription is jointly operated with Microsoft Azure and Red Hat.
  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift offering is billed through Microsoft Azure and does not consume Red Hat subscriptions.
  • Customers will be billed by Microsoft only, like any other paid Azure service, please refer to Purchasing section of Microsoft Azure Red Hat OpenShift frequently asked questions.
  • In case of any requests related to Azure Red Hat OpenShift subscription please contact Microsoft directly.

Root Cause

  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift subscription is managed by Microsoft only.

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