Unable to delete Inventory in Ansible Automation Platform, stuck in Pending Delete.

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Ansible Automation Platform 2.3+


  • Deleting an inventory is in Pending Delete state.


  • Inventory can be deleted using any of the following solutions:

    1) Run the following API endpoint to find if there is any running/pending jobs using the inventory:

    https://[AAP FQDN]/api/v2/jobs/?not__status=successful&not__status=failed&not__status=error&not__status=canceled&inventory=[INVENTORY ID]

    Replace [INVENTORY ID] with the failed inventory ID

    • Cancel all resulted jobs or wait for them to finish.

    2) Run the following commands to delete any pending deletion and delete the inventory :

    # awx-manage shell_plus
    >>> Inventory.objects.filter(pending_deletion=True).update(pending_deletion=False)
    >>> Inventory.objects.filter(id=inventoryId).delete()

    Replace inventoryId with the failed inventory ID.

Root Cause

  • The inventory delete pending issue could happen if the deleted inventory contains large number of hosts with big number of saved facts or there is a running/pending jobs using the inventory.

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