Openshift command install-complete is failing
After the bootstrap install is completed successfully.. I tried for install complete command.. but it fails with below Error..
ERROR Cluster operator machine-api Degraded is True with SyncingFailed: Failed when progressing towards operator: 4.13.4 because minimum worker replica count (2) not yet met: current running replicas 0, waiting for [opsc-vvc4c-worker-0-2bpf6 opsc-vvc4c-worker-0-md6r5 opsc-vvc4c-worker-0-rgchg]
Not sure why the worker nodes are not accessible.
The installation is through UPI method on vSphere.
Also attaching the output of -- oc get nodes
[root@dl360g10-01-v254 openshift]# oc get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready worker 17h v1.26.5+7d22122 Ready worker 17h v1.26.5+7d22122 Ready worker 17h v1.26.5+7d22122 Ready control-plane,master 18h v1.26.5+7d22122 Ready control-plane,master 18h v1.26.5+7d22122 Ready control-plane,master 18h v1.26.5+7d22122
[root@dl360g10-01-v254 openshift]#
DETAIL OUTPUT -- is attached in file