When Use OADP or Velero Restore AzureFile CSI Driver PVC/PV Only Create Empty file share

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  • Openshift Container Platform on Azure
  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO)
    • 4


  • When restoring the project with AzureFile CSI from Velero backup, restored PVC/PV creates a new (empty) file share.
  • Can we use OADP velero CSI snapshot for AzureFile storage type.
  • How to backup and restore AzureFile volume using OADP.


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Currently, It is recommended to use Azure Backup for backing up Azure File Storage outside the ARO cluster due to its native integration, granular backup and restore capabilities, and other features tailored for Azure services.

Azure backup Document here

It supports:

  1. Restore to the original location (full share recovery)
  2. Restore to an alternate location (full share recovery)

Root Cause

AzureFile CSI driver supports only takings snapshots, but no restoring.

Check the GitHub issue:

Restore from SMB file share snapshot feature #136

Currently, Azure File doesn't have a restore from the snapshot SDK

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