How to configure additional ingress router with labels

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)
    • 4


  • Is it possible to configure additional ingress router with labels in ROSA ?
  • How to modify applicationIngress object to use PublishingStrategy in a ROSA ingress operator. (by adding labels)


In ROSA, it is possible to create an additional ingress router and modify it using custom labels.

Prerequisites :

  1. The ROSA cluster should not be a PrivateLink cluster.
  2. The ROSA cluster should be a non-STS cluster.

Steps/Procedure :

  1. Login to your cluster using ROSA cli.

  2. List down all the available ingresses in your cluster (grab the id of router which needs to be modified from this step; for example a1b2) :

$ rosa list ingresses -c <cluster-name>
  1. Create a new ingress router interactively as shown below : (or follow step 4 if the cluster is already having an additional ingress router) :
$ rosa create ingress -c <cluster-name> -i
? Label match for ingress (optional): <key=value>
? Private ingress (optional): <Yes/No>
I: Ingress has been created on cluster '<cluster-name>'.
I: To view all ingresses, run 'rosa list ingresses -c <cluster-name>'
  1. Add label foo=bar into the ingress router.
    (This will overwrite if you have any previous key=value pair as label)
$ rosa edit ingress a1b2 --label-match=foo=bar -c <cluster-name>
  1. Add multiple labels as key=value pair in router :
$ rosa edit ingress a1b2 --label-match=foo=bar,foo2=bar2 -c <cluster-name>

Now the custom labels has been added to the additional ingress router. This can viewed in the OCM console under networking tab of the respective ROSA cluster.

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