Cluster Upgrade stalls on machine-config-pools RHOCP4
Cluster Upgrade to OCP 4.11.27 from 4.11.12 stuck in between with the following error:
Unable to apply 4.11.27: wait has exceeded 40 minutes for these operators: machine-config ClusterOperators: clusteroperator/machine-config is degraded because Unable to apply 4.11.27: error during syncRequiredMachineConfigPools: [timed out waiting for the condition, error pool infra is not ready, retrying. Status: (pool degraded: true total: 5, ready 5, updated: 5, unavailable: 0)]
machine-config cluster operator stuck in degraded state with following error:
extension: infra: 'pool is degraded because rendering fails with "": "Failed to render configuration for pool infra: Ignoring MC 99-infra-generated-kubelet-2 generated by older version 0854b1512e8e445c235252a76e42043bbfa67512 (my version: c101063bef1cc325f7596712acd879ea316201ba)"'
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
- 4.10
- 4.11
- 4.12
- 4.13
- 4.15
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