Cluster installation failed with error code OCM3006: TooManyRoute53Zones

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA 4)


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  • Cluster installation failed with error code OCM3006: TooManyRoute53Zones.
  • Following error message was observed in install logs:
error msg=Error: error creating Route53 Hosted Zone: TooManyHostedZones: Limits Exceeded: MAX_HOSTED_ZONES_BY_OWNER - Cannot create more hosted zones.\\nlevel=error msg=\\tstatus code: 400


The cluster's installation was blocked as the installer was unable to create Route53 Hosted Zone. A hosted zone is a container for records, and records contain information about how you want to route traffic for a specific domain, such as, and its subdomains (,

The error TooManyHostedZones: Limits suggests that the hosted zone quota is exhausted. By default, each Amazon Route 53 account is limited to a maximum of 500 hosted zones and 10,000 resource record sets per hosted zone.

To resolve this issue, customers need to request for quota increase for their AWS account or delete unused VPCs and try again.

For more information about quotas on hosted zones, refer the official documentation from Amazon.

If you need help from Red Hat, please open a support case with us by clicking here.

Root Cause

The error is displayed when the installer is unable to create more hosted zone in the AWS account due to the limit being exceeded. By default, each Amazon Route 53 account is limited to a maximum of 500 hosted zones and 10,000 resource record sets per hosted zone.

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