[RHOCP 4] Update outbound routing strategy 'outboundType' from 'LoadBalancer' to 'UserDefinedRouting' post installation

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
    • 4
  • Microsoft Azure Red Hat OpenShift


  • How to modify/update the outbound routing strategy in live OpenShift cluster?
  • Is it supported to change outboundType from LoadBalancer to UserDefinedRouting and vice-versa in the OpenShift cluster post-installation
  • Is it possible to update outbound routing strategy outboundType from LoadBalancer to UserDefinedRouting post cluster installation in OpenShift? Is it a supported configuration?


  • It is not possible to change outboundType in live OpenShift cluster. This cannot be changed after cluster installation.
  • Outbound routing strategy can only be configured when installing OpenShift cluster.
  • There is no API available to convert the OutboundType to UserDefinedRoutingor Loadbalancer.

Diagnostic Steps

  • To check existing outbound routing strategy:

    $ oc get machines 
    $ oc describe machine <machine_name>
          Public IP:                 false
          Public Load Balancer:      xxxxx   ---- for UserDefinedRouting this will be missing

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