Error while installing collections from Red Hat Automation Hub
- Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) >= 2.1.2 (controller >= 4.1.2)
- While trying to install collections from private Automation Hub, it fails with the following error:
ERROR! Failed to resolve the requested dependencies map. Could not satisfy the following requirements:
* ansible.tower:3.8.6 (direct request)
There are two steps to resolve the error:
- Refresh the Automation Hub Token:
- Use the following command to refresh the token:
curl -d grant_type=refresh_token -d client_id="cloud-services" -d refresh_token="{{ user_token }}" --fail --silent --show-error --output /dev/null
- Update the AAP credentials.
If the token is saved in vault go to Red Hat Automation Hub, generate a new token and save it to vault, and update AAP credentials.
Root Cause
- The token will expire after 30 days of inactivity.
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