Content View Import on Disconnected Satellite, Identical Repos

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A few content-view imports on the disconnected satellite continued to fail.

Identical repos added in the same CV caused the problem on my end.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability for RHEL 7 Server RPMs x86_64 7.9
Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability for RHEL 7 Server RPMs x86_64 7Server

Apparently, you need to use only '...Server RPMs x86_64 7Server' as it has all RHEL 7 minor version 'High Availability' packages. 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability for RHEL 7.

'...Server RPMs ...x86_64 7.9' contains only the specific RHEL 7.9 minor version release packages and no updated packages are included.

After removing the 7.9 RPM's, the CV Import started to work....
