can not import name '_psutil_linux' from partially initialized module 'psutil'
I've successfully installed the trial version of Ansible Tower 3.8.6 on a red hat VM. After installing when I try to run a command on localhost it gives me the error which I attached as a file.
I followed the below steps to configure Ansible Tower,
- subscription-manager register
- subscription-manager refresh
- subscription-manager attach --auto
- yum update
- shutdown -r now
- cat /etc/redhat-release
- uname -a
- yum -y install
- dnf repolist all
- yum -y install ansible vim curl
- mkdir /tmp/tower && cd /tmp/tower
- curl -k -O
- tar xvf ansible-tower-setup-latest.tar.gz
- cd ansible-tower-setup*/
- vim inventory #added password to #admin_password,pg_password, automationhub_admin_password, #automationhub_pg_password
- sudo ./
Let me know if I had misconfigured anything.
Please give me suggestions to resolve this issue.