RHEVM : Template name not being transfered to VM detail upon creation
May have hit a posible bug. Just wanted to run it by you chaps first before I raise a ticket.
It may well be related to the editing template issue I have.
This has been tested on both the admin portal via IE and webadmin via Firefox.
RHEVM v3.0.5_0001
RHEVH v20120510
Issue : VM "Move" function failing. Reports error:- "The Template that the VM is based on does not exist on active storage domain". The template from which the VM was created IS in the active storage domain.
Expected result: The template name from which a VM is created is recorded and displayed in the VM details panel.
Real result : The template name displayed in the VM details panel states "Blank" and not the name of the template from which it was created.
Summary :- When creating a new server VM from an existing template, the template name is not being recorded in the new VM's details. This itself does not pose a particular problem except when coming to move the VM between storage domains using the "Move" function as it requires the the template from which it was created to be in place in order for the migration/move to be initiated. If the template "Blank" does not exist the move function fails.