mod_jk's recover_time does not properly apply

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • JBoss Enterprise Web Server (EWS)
    • Apache httpd
    • mod_jk 1.2.32 and earlier


  • We've set our mod_jk recover_time larger than the default 60 seconds and worker.maintain is still the default 60 seconds.  But we see that the larger recover_time is only properly used the first recovery attempt.  Subsequent recovery attempts instead appear to happen every ~60 seconds.


  • Await a fix in a future mod_jk release upon resolution of this bug
  • As a workaround, you can increase worker.maintain along with your recover_time.  A worker would only be able to enter recovery as frequently as the worker maintenance method runs.

Root Cause

  • The last error time (LE on jkstatus page) does not update past the initial error. The relevant code is from

    if (w->s->state == JK_LB_STATE_ERROR) {
        elapsed = (int)difftime(now, w->s->error_time);
        if (elapsed <= p->recover_wait_time) {
            if (JK_IS_DEBUG_LEVEL(l))
                jk_log(l, JK_LOG_DEBUG,
                       "worker %s will recover in %d seconds",
                       w->name, p->recover_wait_time - elapsed);
        else {
            if (JK_IS_DEBUG_LEVEL(l))
                jk_log(l, JK_LOG_DEBUG,
                       "worker %s is marked for recovery",
            if (p->lbmethod != JK_LB_METHOD_BUSYNESS)
                w->s->lb_value = curmax;
            aw->s->reply_timeouts = 0;
            w->s->state = JK_LB_STATE_RECOVER;

    So after the first pass, error_time never updates again and so elapsed is always > recover_wait_time, resulting in the worker being placed in recovery on each call of the worker maintenance.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check the LE (last error time) on the jkstatus page.  Does this remain the same across all the recovery attempts?
  • Change your worker.maintain.  Do you see that repeat recovery attempts match this change?

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