RHEL H cannot start vdsmd
I am getting this boot.log message:
vdsm: libvirt already configured for vdsm
Starting iscsid:
initctl: Unknown job: libvirtd
vdsm: one of the dependent services did not start, error code 1
Also, when I run "initctl start libvirtd", I get the "Unknown job: libvirtd" error again.
/etc/init/libvirtd.conf is a symbolic link to /usr/share/doc/libvirt-0.9.4/libvirtd.upstart
If I copy this libvirtd.upstart to replace the link, then libvirtd will start, and vdsm will start also.
On reboot, the symbolic link is recreated and I am back to the same problem.
Does anyone have an idea about all this?
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