Issue with Network Manager on rhel8.x

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Running into issue with configuration of Virtual IP's on rhel8.x.

[tmp]# ip a | grep inet
inet scope host lo
inet x.x.x.x/x brd x.x.x.x/x scope global noprefixroute bond0

If I want to create VIP, then I am staging a file in /etc/sysconfig/networkscripts called "ifcfg-bon0:11". After that the only way for me to activate the connection is reboot. All my nmcli commands or networkmanager "restart" does not work.

Hangs the server: nmcli networking off && nmcli networking on

Does not work: systemctl restart NetworkManager

Does not work: nmcli connection up

This is what I am trying to accomplish:
inet x.x.x.x/x brd x.x.x.x/x scope global secondary noprefixroute bond0:11

Open the case with redhat and still not getting help so reaching out to redhat community.

Appreciate your help.
