Error while trying to upgrade ROSA cluster to 4.9

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift On AWS (ROSA)
    • 4.8


  • An error is returned when trying to upgrade ROSA from 4.8 to 4.9:

    This cluster should not be updated to 4.9. You can continue to update to patch releases in 4.8.
    Cluster operator cloud-credential should not be upgraded between minor versions: Upgradeable annotation on object needs updating before upgrade. See Manually Creating IAM documentation for instructions on preparing a cluster for upgrade.


This KCS only applies to ROSA 4.8 clusters trying to upgrade to 4.9. Upgrading ROSA clusters from 4.8 to 4.9 is currently not available, and it's needed to wait for this upgrade path to become available. It's still possible to upgrade ROSA 4.8 clusters to newer 4.8.z releases, and also to install new ROSA 4.9 clusters.

Note: A minor OCP 4 version is the x in 4.x.z, and the z represents the patch version. So, upgrading from 4.8.z to 4.8.z+n is still possible while this message is shown.

IMPORTANT: While waiting for ROSA 4.9 to become available, cluster administrators can follow the steps in Preparing to upgrade to OpenShift Container Platform 4.9 to prepare the cluster for an upgrade.

  • A similar message can be seen at 4.10. Check solution in ROSA/OSD 4.10

Root Cause

Additional development is required to make ROSA 4.9 available, due to some updates in the AWS policies, and that certain deprecated kubernetes APIs being removed in this version.

Note: A minor OCP 4 version is the x in 4.x.z, and the z represents the patch version. So, upgrading from 4.8.z to 4.8.z+n is still possible while this message is shown.

Diagnostic Steps

Check the error returned when attempting a ROSA upgrade:

$ rosa upgrade cluster [...]

This cluster should not be updated to 4.9. You can continue to update to patch releases in 4.8.
Cluster operator cloud-credential should not be upgraded between minor versions: Upgradeable annotation on object needs updating before upgrade. See Manually Creating IAM documentation for instructions on preparing a cluster for upgrade.

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